Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Timely Quotes


My grandmother once told me to avoid colds and angry people whenever I could. It's sound advice.
Walter Anderson

I have no idea who Walter Anderson is, but I agree with his grandmother. The children woke up this morning (actually in the wee small hours of the morning) with an oncoming cold. Ick. Double ick. One of the many things I never knew about raising young children is how often they would be sick. It stands to reason, since their little immune systems need developing, they touch all manner of vile things, and they place *everything* that will fit into their mouths. So, we will see how long this particular spell lasts, and we will wish that these dreaded, beastly colds were as easy to avoid as angry people.


We should all have one person who knows how to bless us despite the evidence, Grandmother was that person to me.
Phyllis Theroux

I have no idea who Phyllis Theroux is, but I agree with her about grandmothers. We will miss you, Grandma G. Peanut. We can't wait to see you, Grandma T. Peanut!

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