Monday, April 24, 2006

Out for Dinner

Due to a culinary mishap perpetrated by yours truly, we drove to St. Paul tonight and had dinner in Mickey's Dining Car. This groovy little place was moved from New Jersey to St. Paul in 1939, and has been at the same location ever since. It is *tiny*, but wasn't very busy on a Monday night, so there was a small corner table available for the Peanuts. The food was oh-so-fantastic. Miss had pancakes, Mr. had a patty melt, and I had a burger and fries. Perhaps not the healthiest fare, but we take comfort from their declaration on the menu that they don't use 'strange preservatives' and that they only fry their foods in 100% cholesterol-free oil! Who needs vegetables when one can dine in such an establishment? If you're ever in the Twin Cities, it is a must-see/taste. We walked away only imagining how good the malts and hot fudge sundaes must be. Our arteries have already thanked us for suspending that pleasure until a later date.

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