Wednesday, April 19, 2006

A Blustery Day

We enjoyed some crisp, cool weather today with Grandma and Papa Peanut. It was wonderful weather for driving about, exploring some local stores, visiting Mr. Peanut on his lunch hour, and taking a walk around our apartment complex. Master did feel a bit chilly, though, and was forced to seek shelter in Papa's fleece.

We continue to have a wonderful time with our visitors, and are trying not to think about how few days we have left with them before they fly home. *Sigh* I suppose that knowing this time must come to an end makes us determined to enjoy what time we do have all the more. And we must realize, after all, that the delivery of a Caribou Coffee mocha every morning cannot last forever. The Grandparents Peanut would go bankrupt, and Mrs. Peanut would grow very fat indeed. For now, though, we will enjoy our coffee, our adventures, our talks, and our time together.

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