Monday, May 15, 2006

We Have Lift-Off

Today is the day. After weeks of anticipation on our family's part, and years of anticipation on the part of Twin Cities residents, Trader Joe's St. Louis Park is finally open. Mr. has been working insane hours, as has everyone else on the crew, but the effort was worth it. The store looks wonderful, the opening was exciting, and (most importantly) there were a jillion customers there for the big event.

The little peanuts and I arrived early, so as not to miss the cutting of the ceremonial lei. We could not see the cutting, however, because there were so many eager Minnesooootans pushing toward the door. As we stood waiting for the doors to open, we heard the conversations whirring around us.

"I have been waiting for this day for so long."

"Oh, I am SO HAPPY!"

"This is going to be so great. My sister lives in Phoenix, and I shop with her when I'm there. Oh! This is going to be *so* great."

One customer drove from *Iowa* in order to stock up on TJ's products.

As the mayor (who's duty it was to cut the lei) said, "I have *never* seen such enthusiasm over a *grocery store*." But, we all know, it isn't just a grocery store. Mr. is back at work tonight . . . helping to iron out the kinks, place the new orders, and re-stock the shelves. It was an exciting day for him, and an exhausting one. We're hoping that he gets a day off sometime this month. But, for now, he'll have to settle for being one of the most beloved men in the twin cities. As Cap'n Hugh thanked the customers for coming this morning, many of them yelled back, "No, thank YOU!"

The excited throng.

Miss and Master survey the flowers.

Miss eyes Daddy's snack section.

The tribute to Mary Tyler Moore inside the front door.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all of the great pictures of The Peanut's exciting day as the Trader Joe's opened its doors to the people of Minneapolis! We are glad that everything went so well, and we hope as we post this comment, California time, 9:48 p.., that Mr. Peanut will be in bed soon after a busy, and rewarding day!

Love, Grandma and Grandad Peanut