Wednesday, May 24, 2006

A Change of Weather

The past two days have seen temperatures of around 80 degrees in the Twin Cities. This is quite an abrupt change, as we have experienced 40-50 degree temperatures within the past couple of weeks. The warm weather is nice, and makes for an easier time of dressing the little Peanuts. For the first time in months, I whipped a pair of shorts out of Miss' dresser after her morning bath. She took one look at them and inquired, "Aren't those brother's pants?!" I assured her that this article of clothing did indeed belong to her, and that they are called "shorts." She cast a skeptical eye at the shorts, and at me, and then begrudgingly agreed to wear them.

Later in the day, Miss proceeded to recite the names of every person who was in her Sunday School class at our church in California. She even told me that "Jeffrey was four years old on his birthday. His birthday was on Halloween."

She has an almost eerie memory at times, but she can't seem to recall having ever seen a pair of shorts before. Perhaps this is evidence of the fact that we are truly becoming Minnesotans, as she has not seen others wearing shorts, either, and therefore does not believe that legs should be exposed, lest the rules of social decorum be compromised.

Who can truly understand what is happening in her little mind? All that I do know is that she looked cute in her denim shorts, with her white legs kicking and dangling off of the swing this afternoon. We will all try to soak up the summer . . . for as long as it lasts.

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