Friday, May 26, 2006

Long Days for Daddy

A few days ago, Miss decided to name each member of the family after a Care Bear. She designated herself "Cheer Bear", Master is "Grumpy Bear", I am "Wish Bear", and Daddy has been named "Bedtime Bear." His bear name was actually my suggestion, because Mr. is always falling asleep on the couch these days.

He is working *so* hard for 12 hours or so each day, and then he comes home and is completely zonked. I am a actually amazed that he has any energy at all for playing with the littles, which he always does, no matter how tired he must be. Tomorrow, he will be back to work by 3:00 AM, and so he has carried himself off to bed, as I sit here typing.

The store continues to do business at a break-neck pace, and he is running around like a maniac all day long. The pressure and responsibilities are numerous and I would never survive doing what he does all day long. All that we can do is encourage him and appreciate him. Months ago, Miss asked why Daddy has to work, and Mr. explained to her that he has to work so that we can have a place to live and food to eat. Miss' favorite special treat is a cheeseburger, and so he drove the point home by telling her that, if Daddy doesn't work, we can't have any cheeseburgers.

So, she now often tells Master when he's crying, "Don't worry, Daddy's at work getting us some cheeseburgers."

In her own little way, she is grateful too. Someday, I know she and Master will be grateful for a Daddy who took them to the swimming pool, played with them and tickled them, brushed their teeth and read to them, even when he was working so hard and was so tired.

I am so thankful that my Dad did those things under similar circumstances. I am so thankful that my kids' Dad does them now.

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