"Awwww, that stinks!"
As in . . . "I think it's raining at the playground. Awwww, that stinks!"
Or, "I fell off the potty and bonkded my lip on the sink. Awwww, that stinks! *sniff*"
I think that I will be using that phrase a lot as we begin to really search for a house. Mr. and I are both of the constitution that says just. get. it. over. with. We want to buy a house. We don't want to have to deal with ten million tons of red tape and jump through umpteen hoops in order to accomplish it. We are in touch with a friendly realtor, and are hoping that she will help to simplify the process. Perhaps she will keep me from uttering Miss' phrase multiple times each day.
Even if things do seem to stink as we go through this process,
I am still determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. We carry the seeds of the one or the other with us in our minds, wherever we go.
~Martha Washington
Besides, I'll lose my title as Mary Poppins around here if I give up my cheery disposition. So, I'll have to imitate Martha Washington
. . . and little Master.

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