After dinner this evening we headed down to Lake Minnetonka for some ice cream, and a chance to enjoy the *perfect* 75 degree weather. We have come to really enjoy the beauty of this great big lake, and will miss being so close to it when we move into Minneapolis. Sitting there, watching Miss run around next to the lake shore, I began to think of all of the new things that have come into our lives over the course of the past few months.
Lake Minnetonka.
Our apartment complex, with its wooded path and Miss's favorite playground.
Acquaintances we've made in the building, and friendships that have begun with some of the other moms and children we see frequently.
Pannekoeken -- the local chain that serves Dutch-style pancakes, and where the waitress yells "PANNEKOEKEN!!" as she brings the large, sticky breakfast wonder to your table.
Our driving routes -- 394, 100, 62, 169.
Ridgedale library, and its lovely children's section.
Caribou Coffee.
All of these things have become a small part of our lives, and some of them won't be after we move. I feel sorry for our little Peanuts, as they will have to endure yet another transition so soon after we have settled into this apartment. But I am so glad that this will be the last transition they have to go through for *quite* some time. The best part about buying a house is that it will mean permanence for them.
It will be hard to leave behind some of the things to which we've already become attached while living here. It will be exciting to form new attachments in our neighborhood, and to have the security of knowing that we can truly put down roots there.
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