The Peanut family is slowly getting back to normal life. The mountain of laundry looms, but the suitcases are stowed, the children are sleeping according to Minnesota time, and we are settling back into our daily routine.
As things normalize, we are looking back on our recent journey with joy. It was so amazing to see little Master reach the milestone of his first birthday, and then to take his first steps later in the week. Miss has excitedly told everyone we meet (and I mean *everyone* - including the Target check-out gal) that her "brudder" is now "ONE YEAR OLD!"
It was also surreal and wonderful to see my own brother get married. I couldn't help but feel nostalgic as it was all taking place. I remembered all those hours, days, weeks, years spent together. Playing. Laughing. Arguing! Wondering what we could get away with. Walking to the Norwalk Square for soda or to Wong's market for snow cones.
"Siblings are the people we practice on, the people who teach us about fairness and cooperation and kindness and caring -- quite often the hard way." -Pamela Dugdale
I spotted this quote recently and find it to be so true. I know that my brother and I "practiced" on each other quite a bit, and we often did learn these virtues the hard way. But I am thankful that I had him to practice on, and I am thankful that we have the memories and the lessons learned from those early experiences together. I am glad, too, that he is now married to a wonderful woman who will help him to continue to grow and learn, just as Mr. Peanut does for me.
Miss just wishes that we could live through her glory as a flower girl all over again. As we walked through Target today, she said - with a sigh - "I'll walk down this aisle. Just like I did at the wedding."
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