Friday, April 18, 2008

Too Much TV?

A conversation I had with Corrie yesterday:

"Mommy, let's pretend that you are the doctor, and I'm going to bring my son Larry the Cucumber to see you because he has a bump on his head."


"Mommy, ask me questions like they do at the doctor's office."

"OK, how old is he?"


"How tall is he?"

"Six or seven inches."

"I see. And, what is your phone number?"

"Oh, 1-866-IDOLS-02."

*Disclaimer: No, we do not allow her to watch American Idol, but she has caught a glimpse from time to time, and she does like to sneak into the hall and peer at the TV after her bedtime. That being said, I think I should teach her our real phone number.


Anonymous said...

Mrs. Peanut--this is too hilarious! I love you all! Grandma Greer Peanut

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh!!! I love it. Thanks for the laugh!

Russell said...

Not watching American Idol... a bedtime issue or objectionable material?