Monday, May 28, 2007


We've been back from California for over a week, and I am only now catching my breath enough to sit down and write a post. It was a fun trip, though I always feel like I need another vacation by the time we survive the plane trip back to Minneapolis. The kiddos were over-tired, and Miss was overly-nervous about every bump and jiggle on the plane. I must have said "It's okay" 500,000 times in that three hour period.

In order to add to the fun of our mundane life, I have decided to begin the potty training process with Master, so that he *might* have a clue about using the toilet before baby #3's arrival. So far, so horrible. He has no idea what I am asking him to do, and is horrified by having accidents. I loathe potty training. It will go down in my parenting memory as the worst of experiences. It must be done, but I *so* just wish that they could figure it out without my assistance. Oh well, as my grandmother used to say, "Wish in one hand and spit in the other and see which one gets full first."

Here are some pictures of happier times -- our trip to Southern Cal. We met new little cousin D, celebrated cousin L's birthday, and spent a lot of good time with our parents and siblings.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Mrs. Peanut! I've missed reading you! I thought about you so much today as I knew what you were doing today. In ten years you won't even remember it, but that is hard to believe now! You and Master will be in my prayers. I miss you heartily.

Anonymous said...

Start slow...Try putting him on the toilet at every diaper change, clean him there (I use the peri bottle from the hospital), and sometimes especially if you take right when they wake up from a nap or in the morning, they'll have to go and will pee in the toilet. Go slow. There are cloth trainers that are absorbent but do get wet; or try switching to cloth diapers. The wet sensation REALLY HELPS make a connection about what goes on when you pee, without the mess and drama of an "accident" on the floor, although eventually those help too.

I found it easier to tell when my son had to pee, though, for what that's worth. :) Good luck, don't stress out. Feel free to email to discuss if you get the pun intended.