Thursday, March 25, 2010

Violin Recital Time

Here is the video from Corrie's violin recital, which took place this evening. It was our fourth recital of this school year, and was a little bit more challenging for Corrie than others have been. She was upset because a couple of girls teased her by telling her there was a spider in her hair right before the recital started. Being deathly afraid of spiders, she did not take this joke very well. Then, she was frustrated because the accompanist played her piece too slowly. But, all in all, she survived and made it through the song. Oh, and you'll be happy to know that the teasing girls apologized to her during the post-recital cookie and punch time, so all is right with the world.

Here is a link to our usual poor quality video. Someday, I shall purchase a new camera . . .

Corrie's Performance


Faith Koontz said...

Hooray!! Great job Corrie! She is doing SO well! I am really impressed.=)

Anonymous said...

What a good job, Corrie! I am so proud of you! You sound great, and you looked very pretty,too! Gran'dad and I love you a lot. Keep practicing!

Love, Grandma Greer