Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Back to Blogging

I'm going to make an effort to return to regular blogging. I thought that the new blog design would give me inspiration. I'm still not sure if I like it, or if it hurts my eyes. I think that I am also in desperate need of some color in my life because of the frozen white landscape that has surrounded me for the past 3 months. As we approach March, the longing for spring is definitely kicking in. I am struck by just how different our life is in the winter as compared to the summer. I look at pictures from the State Fair, below, and can hardly believe that we are living in the same city. All of the pictures we take now look like this:

I will admit, though, that the kids love the snow. Soon, they will be old enough to completely dress themselves for the outdoor experience. Soon, they will also be able to shovel the sidewalks.


Mom and Pop said...

We are so glad you are back to blogging. We will pass the word to those who have given up on seeing new stories and pictures from the little white house.

Sharon said...

I haven't given up -- just been waiting for something to pop up on my blog reader...

I just finished reading "On the Banks of Plumb Creek" to Sarah and it made me think of you guys buried under the drifts of snow :-)

Stephanie said...

Sharon - There is nothing like living here for one winter to make you gape in wonder at how the Ingalls family survived. One trip to the outhouse in winter and I'm pretty sure I would die on the spot.

Faith Koontz said...

Hooray!!! So glad to have your blog back!! I check it faithfully!=)

Anonymous said...

I check it glad to see something new!!! You guys make my heart smile.