Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A Few Random Remarks

*None of our babies have enjoyed the pacifier. Miss tolerated it for one day and then decided that she preferred her thumb. Master did not want it at all. Baby Peanut was initially receptive to the idea, but has now decided that the thing is good for nothing and should be spat across the room.

Here he is, during those good old receptive days.

*Why, dear reader, oh why, do toddlers feel the need to play with their poop during their nap/quiet time?? Why must it be found all over the room? Embedded into the area rug? Smeared across the bed sheets? Ground into the wheels of the Tonka truck? Miss did this as well at the tender age of two. Why, oh why? Or, maybe it's just my kids.

*Cousin W mentioned one of our favorite children's books in the comments from my last entry, and so I thought that I would heartily recommend it here. We love, love, love . . .


Gypmar said...

The poop thing must be some mysterious trial that the Lord uses to refine the character of mothers. That's what I'm telling myself, anyway.

Older Brother would rather have been thrown off a cliff than touched poop, if doing so had ever crossed his mind. It never appeared to. Younger Brother, at one month shy of two, enjoys nothing more than a poop romp. He has now taken up the habit of laying any figure he encounters (stuffed animal, plastic dinosaur, doll, Gumby, Superman) on its back as though it's getting its diaper changed and says, "POOP."

Faith Koontz said...

I don't think the poop issue is just you...they are just all weird!=) Glad to have your blog back! We missed you!

Unknown said...

As I cleaned up said poop, it occured to me to say, "what on earth am I doing?" But I quickly realized that, in its own way, it's a way I am serving my son.

But it still was gross

Anonymous said...

Er, yuck, my kids are not into smearing poop around, Thank God.

On a brighter note, we're happy to hear you're all Owl fans! :) Sorry to hear about your wild weather; it's been much calmer here.