Thursday, December 14, 2006


From the very beginning, Miss has been a performer. She was a fun first baby, because she would happily learn and display various tricks for our entertainment. She has always been *very* (oh, and I do mean *very*) verbal, and so we could teach her to say and sing funny things at a very early age. Master, on the other hand, does not seem to be as enthralled by applause as our Miss has always been. When I ask him to show me his nose or ears, or to say certain words, he usually looks at me with disdain, as if to say "I do *not* perform on command."

Well, Miss had the opportunity to be in her element earlier this week. All of the children at the Community Bible Study I attend sang in front of all of the moms as part of a Christmas program. Mr. was able to get some time away from work, and we sat side-by-side, laughing, and shaking our heads as we watched our little performer. She was loving every minute of her opportunity to be on stage. Most of the kids in her class stood completely still, not singing, or wandered aimlessly around the stage. Miss, on the other hand, sang her heart out, and did a very sassy, dancing version of the hand motions that went along with the songs. After the performance, she walked down the aisle, passed right by me, and said "Bye, Mommy. You have fun, now."

She has been running around the house with her toy guitar, singing and reliving her moment of glory, ever since we returned from the big performance.

Next year, Master will be up front, as well. Something tells me that he will be looking for me in the audience, and that he will be thinking, "What am I? Nothing but entertainment to you people?!"

Such different personalities, in two equally sweet little monkeys.

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